My-love:The Oort Digital

1 min readApr 12, 2021

I think the OortDigital project will develop better and better as more and more people participate. I also hope that the project party will not let the fans down. In the near future, we will advance and retreat together with the project party.

Oort Digital is a great project that aims to build a super DeFi account for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to accelerate the growth of GameFi & Metaverse. It will definitely combine tradition and technology to utilize the value of art and life.
Oort Digital is building a decentralized NFT data marketplace to document NFT trading prices, interest and so on through NFT leasing, trading, collateralized market to provide a benchmark of NFT valuation”It can make our life become better.
Oort Heroes will be created with different clans. For each future partnership we have, Oort will create a special clan. What’s more, project specific utilities can be programmed into the heroes, and heroes can be brought into different games.A lot of visibility and the first ones will have a great NFT project joining their new ecosystem.
I have some suggestion for OORT:We can also work with the BSC chain, which will enable us to trade and add liquidity on it If we cooperate with this project, we can improve our visibility about NFT Oort Digital and other projects will get more publicity from partnerships and tribal utilities.

